Exclusive in Costa Rica

Our Warranty and Certificates approved by the Government of Canada

Lance International Inc.

The classification of maple syrup is like qualifying wines, coffee and other products that have different categories based on origin, purity, production methods, etc…

The choice of trees determines the sap that is used to produce the delicious elixir called “maple syrup”. The location is very important. Just like the grapes used in wine and the beans used to produce coffee, the trees are the point of origin that determines the quality of the sap.

Temperature also plays an important role in the process.

Many factors compose the equation that gives a quality product.

The production is a very important part of this equation.

Citadelle takes the best of all these factors/components in order to produce one of the world’s best maple syrups.

All Citadelle products are government inspected and approved. When you see “GRADE A” on the labels, the Canadian Government has classified the product as “Grade A”.

“Lance International Inc” only works with high grade government approved products.

The “CAMP” brand is a part of the Citadelle Cooperative group. In Costa Rica “Camp” is one of the few REAL, PUR maple syrups in the market.

YOU CAN BE SURE THAT IF ITS “CAMP”, ITS AUTHENTIC, GOVERNMENT APPROVED, CATERGORY “A” MAPLE SYRUP…. don’t be fooled by the cheaper, non- (Canadian government) approved brands/labels.

La marca “CAMP” es parte del grupo Cooperativo Citadelle. En Costa Rica, “Camp” es uno de los pocos jarabes de arce/miel de maple REAL, PURO en el mercado.


No se deje engañar por marcas o etiquetas más baratas, no aprobadas por el gobierno canadiense.

All our pro ducts are subject to vigorous, complete inspections and product classification by several government of Canada inspection agencies.           

                              GLUTEN FREE

We certify that all the maple syrup produced by CITADELLE, MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS’ COOPERATIVE is 100 % pure. This product is Gluten Free. There is no use of allergic substances and no possibility of contamination in the production line.


VEGAN Maple syrup produces by CITADELLE, MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS’ COOPERATIVE is Vegan compliant. Our maple products contain no animal products that have been tested on animals. During the manufacturing process no animal origin ingredients are used.

                             NON GMO

All the ingredients used in the manufacture of the following products are not genetically modified nor have these ingredients undergone a major change, as these terms are defined in the Food and Drugs Act Regulations. The maple syrup is coming from the boiling of the sap of maple trees. So far, there are no genetically modified maple trees currently sold on the market or to be found in the woods. So, it’s impossible to have the sap from genetically modified maple tree used to produce maple syrup. Also, this syrup does not go under any major change within our plant and is the only ingredient for the previous products.

                           KOSHER CERTIFICATION

KOSHER CERTIFICATION Kashruth Division of the Orthodox Union

                           ORGANIC CERTIFICATION

ORGANIC CERTIFICATION For products labeled Organic: Ecocert Canada

                       FOOD FRAUD / ADULTERATION

All maple syrup produced by CITADELLE, MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS’ COOPERATIVE is 100% pure. This product was made only with maple syrup made from maple sap that comes from maple tree. Maple sap is harvested from natural forests. Therefore, no agricultural chemicals are used in maple trees farm. The sap and maple syrup are processed without adulteration (without dilution with other types of sugar), preservatives, dyes and / or chemical additive. Maple syrup produced by CITADELLE, MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS’ COOPERATIVE complies with the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR).

Certificados de análisis


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